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Visualization: Multiple Line Charts

Learn about INSIA's Multiple Line Charts Visualization feature.

Updated over a week ago

A Multiple Line chart is used when a single metric data is categorized into two dimensions.

For example, you want to see Contracts by Category Level 1 and Country.
This chart is called a multiple-line chart because of the multiple lines, with each line having a different color to present a data point.

Note: This is on sample procurement data. We don't set any taxonomies and INSIA will only read column names from your data. If you call 'Spend' as 'Expense', 'Expense' will show on the search bar. You can find the sample data by going to the top right corner of the platform and switching to 'Demo Mode'. There you can select 'Procurement' to see a similar visualization as below.

On this chart, the Y-axis presents Contracts (metric), and the X-axis, Country (dimension 1), and the colorful lines represent Category level 1 (dimension 2).

On the Multiple Line chart, you can use all features:

  • Setting alerts

  • Performing drill-downs

  • Generating i360 reports

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